Advanced Member Directory
Worship Time: Sunday @ 10:00AM
2773 Milburnie Rd, Raleigh, NC 27610
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Advanced Member Directory - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the Advanced member directory?

  To access the directory, you need to login to the website. If you are not logged in, a message is displayed saying "There are no published user lists!".

How is it useful to me?

  Advanced member directory is a user database to keep up to date information such as mailing address, telephone number, email address, birthday, anniversary etc. This is a photo directory as well and we encourage members to update it periodically. Parish secretary can use the information from member directory while creating monthly Parish bulletin.

How do I update my information in the directory?

  If you update your user profile, the changes will be pushed to the directory automatically. To update your profile, login to the website and click on your userid in the "Member Online" box on home page. In the profile page, click on "Edit" and choose "Update your profile". Solve the Captcha question on first Tab. Go to each Tab and make changes as needed. Click on "Update" button to save changes. You can also send the required changes to secretary or website administrator so they can update it for you.


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